Friday, September 9, 2016

Shoshone Falls

OK, so on to the star of the show!
I'm not sure what the actual "twin falls" looks like...?!  But the Shoshone Falls are pretty wow!  And this is at a low point...  During a good rain/snow year (high water time), the falls look like one giant waterfall, rather than various falls like in these shots.  Historically, high flows were more likely/frequent as the water was not diverted to reservoirs and farmland as it is today.
 But it is still impressive and beautiful!

 These were pictures from the first night when I ran over to the falls to scope them out for photo ops - turned out that was the best evening for a sunset!

 Practically right next to the falls is the Dierkes Lake complex, which looks like a great spot for a swim!

 These two boys were up for it!  Well, actually, one of them was.  The other one wasn't too sure about jumping off this cliff.  He was happy to have my two cents' worth when I told him I thought he should do what HE felt was right for him, to not worry about what his peers thought or did!
 That boy watched the first guy go and decided today wasn't the day for him.  I fully support people deciding what's best for themselves!!!!  Peer pressure be damned!
Nice park/picnic area next to the lake.

And that's it for Twin Falls - and for Idaho!  

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