Monday, September 5, 2016

To Boise and Beyond

On June 9th, we left McCall for Boise.  We weren't sure which route we should take - the "safe" way that we knew (which still had a narrow, winding part) or the unknown that some had recommended and others had warned against...!?!  We could either retrace our steps to the 95 and go south, or we could head down the 55.  We chose the latter, and it worked out fine, although Bill was pretty pooped at the end!
Pretty meadow scenes before we hit the (Payette) river.
From here on out, we were driving beside a river.  Very pretty but not quite as easy as driving the wide 95...
And just because semis drive it doesn't mean it's easy!!  There's a route in CO that semis drive, even in the dead of winter, that I still won't LET Bill drive in the RV!!!!  Fine in the truck but no way in the motorhome!!  That huge drop-off with a crumbling outer white line/asphalt edge just don't work for me...!!!!  I've spoken with others who've done it and heard how terrifying it was when some big vehicle was coming the other way...!!! Esp. if you were the passenger, getting to look out your window at...nothing but air!!!!   No thanks!!
Not a lot of wiggle room here either but at least there's SOME!!  And the drop-off not so hair-raising, although I sure wouldn't want to try it!!!!

Peaceful parts of the river...
and not-so-peaceful rapids, rocks, and logs!

Tiny little kayaker braving the current.
And then back to a slower and easier section...
Rafters doing it at more my speed!
Finally we leave the riverside (at Horseshoe Bend), go up and over some hills, and land at our RV park in the Eagle suburbs, kind of northwest of Boise proper.

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