Friday, September 9, 2016

Twin Falls

After Boise came Twin Falls.  We stopped there because of some beautiful waterfalls, but we will get to those later...
 First, we're going to do this...  Well, maybe not...!  Tractor's just relaxing when Hayes sneaks a sniff!
 OK, so moving right along...  Here's a neato field beside the 84 freeway.
 And here is some sort of gathering on the 93 bridge over the Snake River.
 And our RV park...
 On our next day there - a sunnier day - we checked out the bridge and river more thoroughly.
 Looking this way, the special waterfall we came here for is right around the corner...
 And looking the other, you can see a park and golf course - 
 quite the outdoor playground!
And from this neat bridge,...
 leap base jumpers!  This is one of the few places where this activity is allowed, no permit or anything required!
 Down, down, down...  And no, he's not going to land in the river.  Steering allows for a set-down on terra firma alongside. 
 This was a really neat sculpture up on the ledge where we were all watching the jumpers.  Unfortunately, I remember this whole scenario quite differently now.  There was a short but steep slope to go down to get to the overlook - it was a little too steep to just walk down.  I should have taken a different path.  Instead I sort of ran down it, which might have been fine had I not been having my intermittent hip problem a little more profoundly that day.  By that evening, I was in a lot of pain and could not find hardly any position - sitting, standing, laying down - or any movement that did not hurt too much.  It was a real eye-opener, to know what so many people have had way too much experience with - debilitating pain that comes from an undiagnosed, mysterious source and that leaves one feeling very frightened and completely helpless!!  I am VERY THANKFUL that mine (at least this time) only lasted a few days - and for two and a half months now, it has not reoccurred.  I have been much more careful, and I've also been working hard to lose weight, which will hopefully help me to avoid having this horrible situation repeat!
 Perrine Coulee Falls - a great waterfall that you can walk behind and access is just off the road down to the river park and golf course!

 Exploring the Centennial Waterfront Park...
 Exploring it ankle-deep!
 Or here's someone else exploring it from inside a kayak!
 But our dogs are paws-on!  (or should I say "paws-in!?!")
 Near the park is a short trail to a great viewpoint, which, of course, yours truly had to do (yes, this was all undoubtedly adding to the evening meltdown...!).  Only a little ways up, I came across this track...  Y'all know who/what made this, right?!
Some of you will be relieved to know it was someone non-venomous!
 The lovely river scene from the top, looking towards the bridge...  See the tiny kayakers.  The Snake is a BIG river! 
 Some neat rock-scrambling at the lookout, although the rocks are all "decorated..."
 The view in the other direction - you can see the park and golf course.
Part of the golf course, replete with...
marmots!  Run Marmot Run!!

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