Tuesday, August 30, 2016

McCalling all blog viewers...!

Come join us in McCall, Idaho.  We'd never been there before, and it sounded like a pretty, popular spot.  And it was on our route - well, mostly...
 Bill's arm is growing arms!
 Nah, it's just his little boy, sleeping his way into Idaho... 
 More Palouse farmland on our way out of Washington...

 Here we're already down to the Snake River, which becomes the Clearwater River, when heading east into Idaho on the 95.  Since I already showed you the view looking down to it in one of the Palouse posts (and I couldn't get any good shots from the highway, through the RV windows!), we're gonna skip showing that long, steep downhill section - but don't worry, there's another long, steep downhill section coming up!
 The yellow crops (mustard? canola?) fields sure pop out at you!
 Bill made sure I didn't miss this as we sped past - the cutest dog "B&B" (or "Dog Bark Park")!!
 Giant dog and fire hydrant structures (houses...!).
 I like this deceptive shot.  That forest in the background is just an optical trick, a reflection through another window or something like that.  Kinda weird and cool.
 And now, MORE serious downhill, this time down to the Salmon River.
Some poor folks chugging up the long haul.
 A pretty view off the driver's side (no, Bill wasn't taking pictures while manning the motorhome...just his wife doing photographic gymnastics like usual!).
 The Salmon River.
 When we finished with the Salmon River and were driving through beautiful meadows.  Here, the cows looked to be heading for home.
 And a nice little side experience...  They were retarring/regravelling the road in front of us...  Not only did we get to sit around and wait for awhile (not a big deal), but we got to drive for miles on road where the gravel was popping under our chassis just like very loud popcorn!  Scared the crap out of the cats, worried the dogs, and got us wondering about what kind of damage we might find after the fact...!!  Fortunately, not too much damage to the MH, and our truck has already been "through the war."  However, we did have nice tarry rocks slightly glued onto the hood of our truck, and we are still finding piles of rocks in weird places on the MH!  On top of the leveling jack pans, inside the compartments where the slide-out support arms/rails live when the slides are in,...  Will show you when I find the photos...!
 Pretty, wildflower-filled meadows.
 Coming into McCall...
 A river view FROM our MH site!!!  This RV park had a few pull-in sites that provided the most awesome views, even from our front windshield!
 The kitties out enjoying our terrific site and sights!
 River, mountains, storm clouds - what's not to love?!!! 
 The view out of the door...
 My beautiful Zouey. 
 And Handsome Hayes-o!
Paddleboarding (and inflatable kayaking) passersby.
 Super stressed critters, obviously...
It's such a shame we can't teach them to get along better and not take themselves and life so seriously.
 Pretty afternoon light.

 Culminating in a nice sunset the first night we were there.
 And maybe because we had the ultimate RV site, I wasn't as inspired to go explore the surrounds as much.  But I DID at least go into town and investigate a little.  Here is Payette Lake, downtown McCall.  They have a very nice park/walking path/beach right here.
 And it is a pretty lake.  But I found this town to be just a bit too touristy/crowded (even when NOT on a weekend, and kind of before the main summer rush, in early June...).
 However, we did find Hayes' street!  Finally, after months of looking...
 Zou, prancing in the Payette.

 Driving a short ways around the lake, I found this neat little spot.
Our wonderful site.

1 comment:

  1. OH Carrie so many beautiful images you capture. Photo 12 is so serene and I do see these while traveling, But I wonder if Bill can stop very time you need. I can't tell you how much I enjoy these blogs, I save them for an evening when I have time to explore at leisure. Wow that sunset image is just spectacular. Of course love seeing Mizou and Hayes. I will e-mail you now on a more personal level.
