Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Umatilla, Oregon

So remember that pretty, lush, green, heavily forested photo of the 84 freeway through the Gorge?  Well, as you get farther east, that transitions and goes away, getting drier and browner as you go...

 A float plane flies the river route.
 Two prominent gorge players - a train and a dam!
 And one more - a barge. 
And our next home - Umatilla.  We stayed at the Umatilla Marina RV Park, which surprised the heck out of Bill (I had seen the website and read the reviews), because it was so pretty and green - the town of Umatilla was not.  As you can hopefully see from this photo, we had one of the best sites - at the edge of the park, overlooking the marina!  It was such a nice site, we stayed there two nights.  Not much to Umatilla, so other than a quick drive through town, we never left the campground!

 We took advantage of the park-like setting, hanging outside with the kids...
 Scratty, nature girl.

 Hayes and Scratty on the dash, enjoying the view.
An afternoon scene.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it just feels good to just sit around and relax back at the site for a few days to recharge. :)
