Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Gorgeous Gorge

I did a lot of driving the first two days we stayed in Salem.  There were a couple of photo destinations that I really wanted overcast skies for, and sunshine was forecast to take over on the 28th.  So, on the 26th, I drove the 1 1/2 hours to check out three specific spots in the Columbia River Gorge.
 But here are just a few general shots.  This one shows the old, narrow road that parallels the 84 freeway through the gorge.
 And a scene off that road.  Trains go through the gorge at all times (part of the reason I didn't want to stay in a gorge campground!!).

 Cascade Penstemon.
 Beautiful forests live here.
 Replete with fern understory.
The view heading back (on the freeway), although we're not leaving yet!  You still have some beautiful places to see!

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