Sunday, October 9, 2016

Next stop: Heber City

 Apparently, everything in Utah is a city!  Brigham City, Heber City (which is near Park City), and here we're passing through Salt Lake City!
 Pretty neat when your city has mountains as a backdrop!
 Still heading east on the 80 and looking down on either the 15 or 215, looking south.

 Pretty neat road, eh?
 Bill saw me processing this photo and wondered why, since it wasn't that pretty.  And I told him that's why!  Because this image sort of shows the gist of Heber City.  It's not what I expected!  There are certainly pretty parts of the Heber Valley and the surrounding mountains, but Heber City is much more city than I was prepared for!  Pretty big, built-up, crowded, busy...   
 Bill and I found a dog park on-line and took the dogs to check it out in neighboring Midway.  Unfortunately, the dog park was closed!  They were doing some kind of "remodeling" in it and had the gates locked!!  But there was a huge grass field/park that was part of the complex, and almost no one else around, so we let the dogs just run loose and play.  Better than nothing!  On the way back, I had to stop and photograph this super cute house I had seen while driving!  
 Doesn't it look like an above-ground version of a hobbit house or something?!

 I think this was part of some foo-foo housing development, but I liked their gates with all the cowboys lining the top!  Probably some huge ranch that was sold and turned into a money-maker, instead of a hay and beef maker...
 Beautiful valley.
 Somehow I'd gotten the idea that the mountains were much closer to the RV park, more prominent and more visible.  So I was really disappointed when we got there and the peaks were so small and far away!
 But with time and a more objective perspective now, it really was a very nice RV park...
Now Heber City, on the other hand, is still a city...  Too many people, too much stuff for our tastes...


  1. That "hobbit house" roof looks like those around Washington Park in Denver. Bet that's a task to install properly. Not for your average roofer.

  2. Even a better RV park if we could be there with ya. :)
