Monday, June 27, 2016

One more doggy outing to the Cape Blanco SP

 The gates blocking the last 1/2 mile or so to the lighthouse were shut and locked for the evening, but we already knew that so were prepared for a walk.  Fortunately, I had my walking partners with me!
 A great view of the beach enroute.  Cool rock chunk, eh?

 My Zouey.
 The dogs strike poses for me...

Port Orford beach

 Here are some mid-day images with beautiful clouds...

 And here are some pictures of my mostly thwarted attempt at a stunning sunset!
 The clouds ended up overwhelming the situation, so this was the only image I got with any color (and yep, I might have boosted the color just a tad).
 But I played with the waves on the beach to see what kind of textures I could get.

I have so little experience with this, but given more serious neutral density filters and much better sunsets, I would enjoy trying again to get some of the good stuff I saw on-line...someday maybe...

The dogs' day out at Camp Blanco

Even though the weather pretty much sucked our first full day in Pt. Orford, I pushed my butt out the door and visited the Camp Blanco lighthouse.
 Weather that the Pacific NW is notorious for!
 But Bill and I went again the next day, with better weather and great clouds.
 Pretty view, right from the grounds around the lighthouse.

 On our way out, we found some river access and nobody else in sight, and let the dogs play!
 They took full advantage of the opportunity (of course)!
 Doesn't their happy make you happy??

 They're like an ad for any kind of "life is good" products!

 Uh-oh, the stick is a bit out of range...might have to swim for it...  Will he or will he not??
 He does!  He got it!  Hayes is getting a bit braver each day.    : )

And once again, we come to the end...

Port Orford RV Village

This was home for our first few nights in Oregon.  Cute decorations, esp. the orange cat.
That's us, in the end site, and that's Bill chatting with our neighbor, Gordon (he says "Hi Paul and Mary," by the way!).
 Tractor, always happy to meet folks half-way...!
 Scary (fake) alligator in pond...
 Tractor is not at all comfortable with this moving plastic replica!!
 He is more comfy with scoping out the laundry room, however...
 VERY interesting...
 Tractor meets Gordon's beagles - Woofer and Subwoofer!   : )
Home sweet home - it's always good to just curl up and enjoy a cat/dog nap, esp. when afflicted with the typical coastal Oregon weather!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Docking in Port Orford - OREGON!

One last photo from CA...yup, roadside elk, hanging out in an RV park.  Looks like a very stressful scene, doesn't it?!
And then...
 we're in Oregon!
 One of the great views from the 101.  I think this is near Brookings.
 BEWARE OF MONSTER CAT!!!!!!!  Doesn't this remind you of that commercial with the giant cat stomping through town?!!
 Bridge over the Rogue River in Gold Beach.
 Oregon has some very pretty, old bridges.  This one was built 1930-32.
 Yeah, this is what happens when you say "cows!" or "horses!"  The dogs jump up and try to see!  What silhouettes, yeah?  It's a whole Monster Family!!
And there, there's our destination.  You can see the town and its beach across the water from the highway.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 3: Crescent City x 2 and the Boy Scout Trail

No pictures to prove it, but I drove to Crescent City twice - just like the Newton Drury Parkway.  Once, with Bill and the dogs, and once to do a hike.
 The CC lighthouse - pretty cute, eh?
 And the beach, which was covered in our dogs' pawprints.  They had such a good time!!  I'm only sorry I had not brought the camera along on our little walk with them, so no pix!
 It's a City of a City!
 On to Round Two.  A stop on the way to CC.
 And there's that pretty water color again!
 A view of CC from the south.
 And we come to the trail portion of our day, another old growth forest.  Fortunately, unlike the Lady Bird trail, where voices of little shrieking (I kid you not - ha-ha, pun almost always intended!) kids reverberated around the forest, this place was silent.  As it should be.  I think if you are not struck into a reverential silence here, you are doing it wrong!  These "people" (trees) have been here so much longer than you have, they have weathered far more storms and are still standing...  They deserve your awestruck respect.
 You're going to see lots of pictures like this...   I loved the fern-lined trail.

 I wish I could have hiked this on a foggy or misty day, but that's not the weather that was provided.  But here's me trying to make lemonade (photo/weather-wise, that is)...
 Another favorite flower of mine - wild iris.
 It was good to find a few unwitting volunteers for tree size reference...

 These gnarly roots made for some slightly gnarly walking, lest I wind up with an ankle just as twisted!
 I like this ground shot  :)   Pretty colored clovery stuff.
 What?  What's this?  Well, the little cascades had such high contrast conditions, I thought I'd just give you this - the water's color reflections in the little pond at the bottom.
 Star flowers.
 OK, here's a mystery photo for you!   What is that white blob (and the one behind and to the left)?

A:  spittlebugs!  These are basically baby bugs (or nymph-stage) that use this often plant sap-flavored froth to a)hide, b)control moisture, c)control temperature, and d)protect themselves from predators with a nasty-tasting coating.  Pretty ingenious, yeah?  Adults are called froghoppers - I like both names!

 Another non-foggy shot.
 More trail,...
 more ferns...
 And who's this cute little guy??  Well, he's a Cute Newt!  And we know he's a newt because "newts are a type of salamander that have rough skin." he a California newt or a rough-skinned newt?  TBD by someone salamander-savvier than me!

 Seen this before somewhere...  Oh yeah, last blog post!  :)

The road home...