Monday, June 27, 2016

Port Orford beach

 Here are some mid-day images with beautiful clouds...

 And here are some pictures of my mostly thwarted attempt at a stunning sunset!
 The clouds ended up overwhelming the situation, so this was the only image I got with any color (and yep, I might have boosted the color just a tad).
 But I played with the waves on the beach to see what kind of textures I could get.

I have so little experience with this, but given more serious neutral density filters and much better sunsets, I would enjoy trying again to get some of the good stuff I saw on-line...someday maybe...


  1. Love the last picture. So cool how you did that. :)

  2. YUP! Been there done that, it is all about patience and being there at the "right" time, which is just luck or going back for weeks at a time! You really have some good images,

    1. So true, Melanie! To get those seriously good sunset-landscapes takes knowing a lot about how to get what you're after, total dedication to going back to a spot repeatedly, and good luck! I'm afraid I haven't had much of all that, but I've seen those amazing images from super good photographers, who obviously time it right, set things up perfectly, and "get lucky" time after time after time...!
