Monday, June 6, 2016


Our animals' happiness is our happiness.  So we always try to find good stuff for them too, and this includes dog parks.  Our dogs have been to dog parks all over the country!  Sometimes they are to be found right in the campground, but usually we have to google and drive to get to them.  But we lucked out and found this one only a few minutes away, and two out of the three times we went, we found nice people and nice dogs.
 Our dogs show off.
 This cute guy wants to participate, but alas, his body build doesn't really allow for it...!
 Zou is in her element - she loves climbing!  That and water are her two favorites (oh, and cows...).
 A good group to play with.

 Poor Pyrenees - it's time to go home, but she doesn't want to go!!!
 Zou buddies up with this sweet, happy, good-natured young dog.
 We keep a good stock of dog toys in the truck, just for "emergencies" like this!  It's a great way for dogs to get to interact together happily - with toys built to share!
But a lot of dogs don't need toys to play and be happy!  Like this funny muppet of a dog!  He and Hayes totally hit it off!