Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 2: Quick trip with Bill and kitties, Newton Drury Scenic Parkway, and Ladybird Johnson Grove & beyond

On Sunday, May 15th, still camped-out in Klamath, I first took Bill and the critters for a drive.
We drove the nearby Newton Drury Parkway and stopped to see the Big Tree...
 It's pretty big all right, compared to our midget dogs anyways.  Here are some stats for you:  height 30.4ft! diameter 21.6ft!, circumference 68ft!, and estimated age 1500 years! 
Family photo.
 We then made a quick stop in Trinidad, to show everyone the pretty beach/bay.  We were going to have lunch there too, but the one place to eat had no place left to park, and the crowd in town was about to give Bill a mini-panic attack, so we left.
 Another pit stop was to see more elk, this time in a different pasture.
 But maybe they were the same elk that I had seen the day before, as one of them was giving us a piece of his mind!  (he didn't have a middle finger to use, so out comes the tongue...??)
 Again, what a lot of butts...
 The dogs' windows in back stayed mostly up, as I knew they'd be doing their best to squeeze out of 'em and into the middle of that herd!  The kitties, on the other hand, were fine windows-down...  I think Tractor may have been picking out the one he wanted to ride...!!
 After dropping everyone back off at the RV (yes, this was another long day and will be another long blog post!), I went back out and retraced my steps to the Newton Drury Parkway so that I could take my time and take my photos!
Thimbleberry flowers...
and their berries (found on the internet   :)
A pretty nursery log (serving as bedding for other baby plants).
What a gorgeous road...
 If a titan tree crashes in the forest...I think someone must hear it!!!  And talk about collateral damage...!!
Back in the Big Tree area...

And then, a stop at the Lady Bird Johnson grove.  
Pretty rhododendron.
Andrew's Clintonia.
See the tiny people?
A walk in the real woods...
Fairy lanterns or fairy bells, your choice.
President Nixon dedicated this grove to LBJ's wife in 1969.
Salal flowers.
People are dwarfed by these ferns!  Prehistoric plants - only came up ankle-high on those great giant  -saurus, -anodon, and -actyl creatures of our past!
More little people.

Dewy rhody.

Some of you might even have these in your gardens - foxglove (Digitalis).  I once had them in mine (back when we lived in a house!).  They're so beautiful.  Well, they grow naturally in these temperate wet western climes.  And while this plant is used in certain heart meds, it is otherwise poisonous!  So beware - do not eat or inhale (yes, I read an account of a gal who accidentally inhaled some pollen and stuff when a seed pod burst and ended up very ill)!
After leaving the Lady Bird, I headed on up the road towards the Bald Hills.  What a pretty road!
Even found a tiny bit of fog - these forests belong in fog.  Clear days and sunshine just don't fit.  And photos of this subject matter all look better with fog, in my opinion.  Unfortunately, I didn't really get lucky with that.  Not much fog.  At least I had clouds for this day.
And you know what this is by now, right?!
Cool, haunted forest...
Found the fog!  I guess these are the bald hills, although they didn't look very bald to me!  Very pretty.  
And I loved that little winding road into the cloud!

Probably my favorite picture of the day.  The dark, foreboding - yet alluring - path...
And just a quick shot to show how close all us turistas could get to those elk...
And, once again, back "home."
Get ready, because we have yet one more long day (and post) tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an amazing place! I want to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
