Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ready for the BIG BLOG posting?!! Well, here we go - with Day 1 in Klamath...

 As we head north, things are getting prettier and prettier!  So...there's gonna be more sightseeing and picture-taking!  Surprise, surprise!  So here's just my outing for the first day here (we spent three...):
My plan was to backtrack my way to Trinidad, as that was the place I had really wanted to stay - just couldn't settle on a reasonably-priced, good-sounding RV park there.  So let's start at the beach, shall we?

 I like that term - sneaker wave...  It IS descriptive!  And hey, I know what they're talking about with that cold water thing.  I've jumped into lakes that made me suck in water they were so damn cold!  (the iceberg floating around was a giveaway...!)

  This is part of a campground closer to Trinidad that I had thought about us staying at.  The on-line info./reviews didn't quite convince me, but I was a little sorry when I saw it.  Such a pretty, idyllic setting.  It was called the Elk Country Resort and Campground.  Don't get the resort part, but they definitely had the elk part covered!  Fortunately, I got plenty of elk photo ops, just passing by!  (and didn't have to worry about us stepping in elk poo like some of the reviewers complained about...!)

 When in Trinidad, my first stop was Patrick's Point State Park.  It was pretty, although it had a rather steep entry fee (for just an hour or so stop).  These were the pretty plants along a short trail I took.
 Evenly spaced visitors along the trail below...  
 Beautiful rugged coastline that northern CA and OR are known for.
 From a different look-out in the park.
 In Trinidad proper, the beach and little lighthouse.

 I walked down the kind of steep stairs to mess around on the beach for a bit.  Such a pretty spot, and I loved the clouds!
See the house up on the cliff?  Nice, huh?  If I were more of a beachy person, I'd be drooling, I suppose.  But fortunately, I'm more of a mountainy person, so could keep the spit in my mouth!   ;) 
 I had taken a few water and rock pictures before realizing there were things on some of the rocks...  Seal things.

 Driving a little ways up a hill proved to be a great viewpoint on another side of this little bay or sorts.  For those of you familiar with Doc Martin, is this reminiscent of Portwenn or what?!!!

 I love the color of the water (can you tell?  Picture after picture of it...!).

 Driving back along the 101 again...
 This was a similar shot to the one in the last post, only that other one was a drive-by shooting from the road on a cloudy day.  This is from closer to water's edge with some sun and blue sky.  
 Just like my Zouey - sweet pea!
 This looks like it might be some kind of yet-unopened Queen Anne's lace...?  But maybe not...?
  Cool grasses.
 So I found a bunch of elk lounging around right next to that elk campground.
 They would look at us touristas, and sometimes seemed to get slightly alarmed, but mostly, they didn't care.  Yeah, yeah, just another human with a camera...blah,blah,blah... 

Another lake (probably a little brackish) just on the other side of the 101 from the ocean.
 And some "other" shots of the elk.  We photographer types are always looking for the elegant, glamorous, dramatic, gorgeous, National Geographic, awe-inspiring,..  But what if nature gives us something else?  What if that twice in a lifetime photo op is of a dufus elk cow, flashing you her best goofball look?  Do you throw it away?  Or just go with it?  Like this one here, who's probably passing judgement on us passersby, like "hey Mabel, should we act like they think we elk should, or should we show them what we really do in our free time?!"
 Apparently, Mabel opted for the latter.  Or maybe it was too late to put out her gargantuan reefer!  And why shouldn't they be getting up to these kinds of things?  I mean, that's what the PEOPLE in northern California do, right?  
 This one is more petite, and she puffs petite too.
 And Gomer, well...
 Is it a mustache or a dandelion?
 Burning it at both ends.  Dude!  Stop!  Just say no!
 This one looks like he's been at it for awhile now too...
  This gal has such pretty eyes, but she's still working on proper runway etiquette...  You don't stick your tongue out at George while Carrie is TRYING  to make you look GOOD!!  Sheesh!
 I came across a couple of ospreys fishing that last lake I showed you.  I could have gotten some great shots, had I not screwed up and used a polarizer for too many of them (limiting my light/shutter speed/sharpness/resolution/etc.!).
 And then I did some weird things processing some of the images...  Oh well.  I still think he/she looks neat, even if there is a funny aura about him and he's a little fuzzy-looking.


 Cute little killdeer wading...
 Back by elk country one last time, this time in sunlight.  This being a bit later in the day, could be a different group of elk...or not...  Nobody smokin' in the boys' room this time.
 Good-looking guy.  OK.  I have a question for someone out there (Fred??  Bill/Mar??)...  So, if deer, elk, etc., shed and regrow their antlers each year, how can you tell, when you see a male in the first stages of regrowth, just how old/mature the animal might be?  Like with this one, there's a lot of branching starting, but how do you know how many points he'll end up with by the rut?  Do you just go by body size/general look?  And I guess it's just genetic coding?  That tells the antler growing cells to just do spikes or a twenty-point??  Just wondering...

 Scenic old schoolhouse again.
 And almost back home, at the Klamath River.

And that's it.  Are you tired?  I was.  Doing this stuff both energizes me and wears me out!?!

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